Saturday, April 22, 2006

Nothing much......

I have no idea where today went! Did you ever have those days that were filled with so many little things, that it seemed at the end of the day you couldn't exactly remember what you did? Or maybe that's just me!

I did work for almost 5 hours. By the amazing calculations of our computer at work, I was only scheduled for 4 hours and 45 minutes, as if they could not squeeze out that last 15 minutes to give me an even 5 hours.

I went to Wal Mart. That is an accomplishment in itself, considering it's Saturday, and everyone for miles around is also at Wal Mart today. The fun of this is that you get to drive around until there is actually a parking spot in sight of the store. No fair if you just give up and park way out and hike that last half mile to the store. You just keep driving around and around like everyone else, until you can beat someone else out of a closer spot....that is only a quarter of mile to the store.

So with all these people, and they might buy everything before I get to it, I came home with four new plants. All four are colorful houseplants that I've admired before. As I was placing them in my cart, I was telling myself that if I didn't buy them now, they would be gone by the next time I get to Wal Mart. I will try again with the Polka Dot plant. I've already killed one of those earlier this year. I'm hoping that since it wasn't freezing today, like it was the last time I brought one of these home, that this time I will be able to keep this one alive. That's the plant above.....just in case I do kill it. At least there will be a picture.

My daughter mowed the lawn. She is 26, perfectly capable of starting the mower and mowing the lawn without her mother. My one job is to be there if she runs out of gas. For some reason the gas can scares her, and she insists she cannot pour gas from the spout into that tank without splashing it all over the mower, herself and whoever happens to wander by, including her mother and the dog. I pass the time by more digging in the flower garden I am starting. I don't do a lot of digging at a time. But since I've been doing this for the last couple of weeks now, if it ever gets past the point here in Wisconsin where we won't be expecting freezing temps and a blizzard (maybe May, I'm thinking) I can actually plant some flowers.

I transplanted the four new plants I bought and a few others. I'm starting a Purple Passion for a friend. Those cuttings have huge roots now, and have their own hanging basket tonight. Then my big Croton plant finally got into it's bigger pot, and no longer looks top heavy.

In between there were numerous trips up and down the stairs from my apartment to the turn on the sump pump. To run outside and check to make sure the water coming out of the basement was not running into the neighbors garage. To run back down and turn off the sump pump. Actually it turned itself off, it does that. It would turn it itself on too, except it's rather old and I don't exactly trust it to do what it's supposed to do.

Then there were a few trips because a friend came to stay overnight with my granddaughter who I am taking care of while her mother works. Out to the backyard so they could play. It is fenced with a 6 feet high fence, they still wanted me to come along. "You can dig in your dirt, grandma!" Okay. So I dug some more. This is going to be a nice flower garden. If it ever gets warm enough, of course. (In two months it will be hot, and I will be complaining about that too!)

Then there was supper. Another trip outside with the girls. Back inside and upstairs because everyone was cold, especially me. And another trip downstairs to get PJs and blankets.

I did want to crochet today. I'm not sure what it is I want to crochet right now. I have bags full of started projects, sweaters, mostly, a bag or two, a sundress for a little girl and two almost completed shrugs for my granddaughters. And now the friend staying overnight wants a loopy poncho in blue! I have a pattern for that, and I know right where it is. But do I have blue yarn? One would think with the closet full of yarn, there has to be some blue in there! I'm thinking Cottonease, but do I have enough? Since the girls have said they are staying up until 11:30 when my daughter gets out of work, I probably have time to get a good start on that yet tonight.

So maybe I wil get to crochet today! I feel sometimes like I'm waiting for the weekend so I can really get some crocheting time in, and actually get a project done. Then there are all these movies I bought so I'd have something to watch while I am crocheting. There are lots of them that aren't even out of their wrapping yet. I don't think I'll be breaking into those anytime soon though! But tonight for a little while, I might just sit and crochet.


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