Flowers and rabbits.
This is my new plant. A Hindu Rope Plant in solid green. It's a plant I 've been looking for months to find in all the plant places I know about. I've got a white and green one, whose leaves don't curl near as much as this one does. Years ago I was given this same plant by my then in laws, and over the years, it had gotten huge. I hung it outside every summer, and it would blossom with tiny white waxy flowers that smelled heavenly. Then it died somewhere along the way, through a few moves, then an apartment that was unfriendly to all plants. I ended up with the few houseplants that I had left dying within a few months of moving in. Now I have it back. I have to find the perfect place to hang it. I'm thinking in front of my kitchen window where it will get sun but not the hot midday heat. I think it will like it there.
Erica mowed the lawn today, the first non rainy day in weeks, it seems. Well maybe in two weeks. While I was out there raking up the hay (it was that long!) I dug out some sod I wanted to get rid of, and threw it in front of the little hole in the side of the garage where I thought one little rabbit was living. Now this rabbit has eaten one of Erica's daylilis, the flowers off two other plants she had planted, and some little flowers I had planted last fall that didn't even get a chance to flower yet! We were not happy with that little rabbit! So I covered his hole.
This evening I was looking out my door to the backyard, and here were two baby rabbits, trying to figure out where their hole in the garage went. Poor things! It was gone! Of course, I felt guilty as hell. And ended up outside uncovering their hole into the garage! Those little buggers had better not eat the 8 coleus plants I just planted out there! They are so cute, how could I cover up their entrance to their home. Now that I've seen two of the cute little brats, I'm wondering how many more are out there. More, I'm sure!
Erica has one rose that does not care if the sun does not shine for two weeks. Her pink rose is still sulking over all the wet and cloudy weather, but this yellow rose seems to not let little things bother it. This is how it looked today.
Your hoya is great and Erica's roses are beautiful! You've got some great plants there!
Thanks! That rose blossomed in spite of the cloudy weather, and is just beautiful.
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