Sunday, June 18, 2006

Snakes and swans.........

I got a little carried away at Home Depot last night. I came home with the mother of all snake plants. That's it above. Now that it's transplanted into a new pot, I can't carry this thing, and am wondering just how I'm going to get this to my upstairs apartment. This is something I maybe should have thought about before I transplanted it! I could carry it in it's original container. It's beautiful! It's been sitting out in the sun at Home Depot, so the color is washed out of the leaves. They will green out again, once I get it indoors. If all else fails, I just need to make my daughter feel guilty enough to help me carry this thing in and up.

While I was at Home Depot, which is full of wonderful plants that were calling my name as I walked by, I got three annuals to plant in my mother's swan planter. I have no idea where my mother got this plastic planter. It's another thing that no one but me wanted. My mother used to plant geraniums in it. What I have in it is a mystery, other than the purple petunias hanging over the tail. The others, a tall pink something or other and a viney purple one in front, I haven't a clue. But they're pretty. My mother would love this. She was a fan of purple flowers, too.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Candy said...

I love your snake plant! That is so beautiful! Glad you could find one.

I love the swan planter too. It looks so pretty by your garden. You've done a great job with that so far!

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Sharon said...

Thanks! I had to get that snake plant, it's huge!
The swan planter looks even better in person, the flowers look really nice in there. Let's hope the rabbits don't decide they taste good too!


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