Last night I wrote this rather long post about several different things. Each subject was a paragraph, and there were spaces between the paragraghs to make it much easier to read. When I tried to publish it, it showed in my blog as one long rambling post with no paragraph breaks.
So I edited about 5 times or maybe 6, who was counting anyway? I was so frustrated! I'd put the breaks in, and when it was published, they wouldn't show. Just one long post that not even I wanted to bother with. So I gave up and went to bed.
This morning I tried again. No go! Still no paragraph breaks. I said the hell with it. I'm done. If it wants to be like that, that is how it's going to be.
A few hours later, when scanning some blogs I like to check on a daily basis, I accidently clicked on mine. What the heck? The paragraph breaks are back. Great big ones, because I did that on purpose to see if bigger breaks would make a difference.
I have no idea why it took until this afternoon, for an actual readable post to appear in my blog. Gremlins on the internet, I'm sure! The same ones that shut down my computer yesterday morning when my DSL went out. No one knows why that happened either, and probably can't be explained. Since my daughter's computer runs on the same DSL, hers shut down and restarted too when the DSL went out. Gremlins. That's it, I have no other explanation.
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